"""Interested in Learning Fingerstlye Guitar?
This application explores right hand technique as it pertains to fingerstyle guitar in this lesson.
In this beginner guitar lesson, we'll be learning how to play fingerstyle guitar. Fingerstyle is a great style of music to learn for both the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar. It tends to sound very piano-like since you play the bass parts and the melody parts at the same time.
Fingerstyle guitar is the perfect style of music for playing without any other musicians. In this lesson, we'll be going over a lot of different things, so don't worry if you need to take it one step at a time and come back to this lesson a few times.
These lessons are designed for beginners guitarists who have never played fingerstyle guitar and want to learn the basic techniques of the right hand.
Learn how to play guitar fingerstyle from professional guitarist in these online guitar lessons."""